Friday, October 7, 2011

October 4th

October 4th started at 5:08 am, we knew that my placenta was in the wrong place and had been planning a cesarean delivery for late October to safely deliver before the risk of bleeding was too high. God had other plans, at 5:08 I woke up with some bleeding and we rushed to the hospital. After a long day of waiting and watching the decision was made soon after 6:00pm to deliver by emergency c-section. God was truly with us and the hospital staff all day. Our baby looked good on the monitor so we were blessed to not be afraid for him any more that we already were. Matt was able to come to the operating room with me and sit next to me and hold my hand during the surgery.

Our baby was born legs first, first they announced that one leg was out, then a rear end. Dr. Webb asked,  "Tera? Do you want to know?" Of course the answer was Yes! The next thing we heard was "There are boy parts" :) A BOY! We were happy and I was more surprised than I thought I would be, I guess I thought he was a girl more than I realized.

Landon was a little stunned from his early arrival but recovered quickly and was soon pink and crying loudly. We were thrilled that he looked so healthy being almost 6 weeks early. He hasn't let us down since.

Following are pictures of the first few days of Landon Matthew Stucky's life. We will try to update things as we can but it is amazing the time warp you fall into when you have a baby. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for us both during pregnancy and the past few days. Your prayers have been felt and seen, we are truly blessed.
Starting the day of unknowns (can't believe we remembered to take a picture)
ready to meet me in the OR
5 Pounds 10 Ounces and 19 Inches long
first family photo
Matt showed me this picture in the OR and I thought Landon looked just like Matt
Landon and his CPAP, he needed extra oxygen and air flow to start out
Matt's first time holding Landon
Grandpa Tony drawing Landon's lab work, we promised Landon that Grandpa Tony is usually more fun :)
I know right?!? He's the cutest baby ever!!! (we've been very good stereotypical first-time parents) :)
Landon is still in the special care nursery and doing great, we are planning that he will be able to come to our room soon. I was dismissed as a patient on Thursday evening but we get to stay in our hospital room until Landon goes home. Here's hoping I can update the blog before then :)


  1. We are so happy for you and Matt. Landon is beautiful!!! God bless. Love Scott and Shelly.

  2. How great to read the blog and see the fantastic pictures! I think Landon is a beautiful baby too! Thanks be to God for how He worked in it all! Blessings to your wonderful family of three!

  3. Yeah, Its a blog! Congrats - we can't wait to meet Landon - Noah told me today, "I can't wait to give Landon a big hug when we visit at Christmas!" :)

  4. We are so happy for you guys! What a cute little guy!!

  5. Oh Tera and Matt, I'm so happy for you. Glad to hear everyone is healthy and doing well! Congratulations...and let the FUN begin!!!
